On Saturday, MABRA visited the Eastern Shore for the Church Creek Time Trial. For years, ABRT has promoted the event, and this year OVC accepted an invitation to pitch in. OVC would like to thank its members who took a time-out from riding to volunteer their time. Terri, Matt D., Dean P., Sean, Alex, Barry, Mark, and Frankie braved hot temperatures in the Blackwater Marsh to ensure the race went off without a hitch -- Thanks, guys!
A few OVC riders also raced and everyone posted respectable times: Roscoe (59:09), James (1:01:04), Jeff (1:04:23), and Barry (1:06:18). Great work in hot and breezy conditions!
Church Creek No. 2 is July 18th. Please mark your calendars now so that you can volunteer or race.
Thanks again to all our volunteers and thanks to ABRT for the opportunity to support bike racing on the Eastern Shore!