On Saturday, OVC rolled out of Evo with about 35 local cyclists for a 50 mile jaunt to support the American Diabetes Association and to promote the upcoming Tour de Cure.  Lead by Matt M., the group kept a mostly conversational pace during the 2.5 hour ride.  The rain held off until the last 5 miles, when the bunch experienced a light spritzing and a nasty little headwind.  

Although there were no high-intensity segments, the group did enjoy getting up to speed for a few minutes in the closing miles.  With Melissa up the road as a rabbit, a nice tailwind on their backs, and smooth tarmac below, the bunch gradually ramped it up to 27 mph on Nutters.  Great work, everyone!  Special thanks to all who, including Sonny and Sean, helped control traffic throughout the ride.  

Back at Evo, many riders retired to the patio for Lot 3’s and Johnny Burgers under the OVC shelter.  In short, great cause, great people, great ride!