With century season upon us, a number of OVC riders targeted BBC’s Civil War Century as their excursion ride of the year. A few headed up on Friday to inspect kilts and to assist with Waynesburg U’s 50-year anniversary.
Rolling out in the morning were 12 tough riders -- Kevin and Mario getting an early start and Mark, Roscoe, Bill, Jim D., Scott A., Caleb, Alex, Sonny, Ted, and Jason rolling out a little later.
From the first ascent out of Thurmont, it was destined to be a challenging day. Mark was on his A-game and the rest of us were just flatlanders out of our element. But we rode hard up the slopes, enjoyed some fast descents, and regrouped and cramped as much as we could.
There was a bit a of attrition over the 100 miles, but it appears that Kevin, Mario, Mark, Roscoe, Ted, Alex, Caleb, Sonny, and Bill survived for the entire century route -- with everyone else making it home safely. All seemed to agree that -- based on the course and the conditions -- this was one of the most difficult centuries that they’ve been a part of. Great work, OVC!