40 degree temps, a handful of the main roads free of snow and ice and a mild case of cabin fever was the only motivation needed for OVC’s Dean P, Barry, Rick W, Mario, Bruce, Rick B, Russ and Caleb to get their late winter training on two wheels back on track. With a noon start, the group set out to tackle the same route as last Saturday and to take advantage of the relatively mild temps, the route organizer threw in some bonus mileage for safe measure.
With the threat of secondary roads still littered with snow and ice, OVC once again had to reluctantly stay on the main roads to guarantee smooth pedaling for the 8 starters. Shoving off from Specific Gravity just before lunch, Dean P, Matt P, Mark L, Rick W, Ted H, Mario, Barry and Russ comprised a good solid group that was able to maintain a brisk pace throughout their 41.7 mile trip through some of the more popular well-traveled roads of Worcester and Wicomico counties.