OVC Saturday Ride:

Despite a handful of OVC members pinning on race numbers down in Va Beach, OVC still had a nice turnout for a Saturday group ride. Departing on time from SG, Brian F, Melissa, Maria, Matt D, Rick B, Steve J, Bruce, Alex and Russ navigated the 61 mile parcours counter clockwise in hopes of catching a tailwind for the last portion of the ride. The plan worked to perfection just as the remaining half dozen exited Mardela at mile 40. Three others (Steve, Rick and Brian) went off on their own outta Laurel in search of a little more intensity.

Meanwhile sticking to the original game plan, Russ, Bruce, Alex, Matt, Maria and Melissa continued on with their endurance pace, but Melissa with fatigue setting in from the 3 plus hour effort, decided to unselfishly cut her husband and the rest loose for the the remaining 16 miles. With the freedom to pick up the pace, Bruce, Russ, Alex, Matt and Maria continued their march eastward and with the wind at their backs, speeds began to creep up in the mid 20's.

Just past the upper ferry, Russ, Bruce, Matt and Alex were in full TTT mode, but as they made the left just past East Nithsdale, Russ halted the action to allow Maria to catch back on. Back up to speed, Maria took a nice turn at the front for the next few minutes, but would lose contact as she drifted off the front and to the back leaving Matt, Bruce, Alex and Russ to mix it up to the Shore Stop. Nice pull Maria!!!

Now down to four, a surge by Bruce would whittle the four to three and with a K to go Russ pounced on his two breakaway partners and soloed to the light at Parsons Rd. The sprint zone was followed by a nice spin back to Gravity. With a few nature breaks and regroups, the group still managed to keep their riding time on the 61 mile route to less than 3.5 hours. A post ride Reuben wrap at SG was had by Alex and Russ along with a few cold beverages. Thanks everyone for the ride and hope to see a few of you and some others at SG tomorrow.