OVC/Tall Tales Ride Report (03/28/2015):
Determined to set up their team tent and get in some good training miles, Team OVC/Culver & Pierson despite freezing temps (accompanied by snow flurries), a howling Norwester and a small turnout still managed put together a group ride this past Saturday from Tall Tales Brewery in Parsons burg. A last minute change of a route assured the 6 starters that a tailwind finish (and a few beers and pizza) would be the reward for their participation and taking full advantage of the ride perks were OVC’s Roscoe, Rick W, Rick B, Brian O and SV’s Jody G.
Saddled up and on the road a few minutes after 10, the 6 rider field knew the first 22 miles would be spent clawing their way into 20 to 25 mph head/crosswind, but as the field made their way into Laurel, DE, a quick head check had everyone present and accounted for. One rider would make an early exit “Stage Rd” left, but the rest at this point would be counting the miles to the much awaited tailwind turnaround.
Meandering through downtown Laurel and after making a quick pit/pee stop at the local convenience store, the remaining 5 would begin their tailwind return leg home and with each taking turns at the front over the open landscape of Susan Beach Rd, the quartering tailwind early on SBR would force the group to echelon and the diagonal formation would successfully keep Roscoe, Jody, Russ and both Rick’s out of harm’s way. Crossing 54 and making the left on Waller Rd would give the riders the wind direction they had been craving for the last 1:49:27. With Roscoe leading the parade down Waller with a wee bit of a surge, the sub 20 mph pace was now creeping up into the mid 20’s and maintaining the momentum with good efforts as well at the front were Rick W and Russ. After the duo on their SL4s peeled to the back, Roscoe decided the tail end of Waller would be ideal for a little race simulation and with a big turn at the front, only Rick, Rick B and Russ were able to handle Roscoe’s surge. With the Old Mill just around the corner, Rick W with a good turn of speed of his own would unfortunately draw the short straw as Roscoe would hit the gas one more time and soar past his teammate. Sensing that spotting Roscoe a gap would not be wise, Russ went in pursuit of Roscoe and the two would grind it out together to the crab house. Roscoe would scoot around Russ in the last few meters to snag the first intermediate sprint.
A nice spin and a little play time with motor vehicle traffic ensued on East State Street and the aggressive driver that buzzed the peloton found out that the Black n Blue Train can keep pace as long as they drive the speed limit. The coward however chose to break the law twice and sped away to avoid a well-deserved tongue lashing. With tempers calmed, the field of 5 continued on their mission to complete their 47.5 mile journey. Zigzagging their way over to Dagsboro Rd, an increase in the pace would finally contribute to the first casualty, but the newcomer to OVC’s black and blue collar style of riding was more than satisfied with his impressive outing on a day when most cyclists would forego the road for the indoor trainer. Nice job Jody!!
With Roscoe, Rick W, Rick B and Russ continuing on with Jody’s blessing, the final four would make the most of their last few minutes on two wheels. Picking up the pace in the closing K’s a nice pull by Rick W on Morris Leonard Rd was followed by a patented surge by Roscoe. With Rick B losing the wheel of a rider 33 years his junior and Rick W still looking to reload after his fine effort, Russ went in pursuit of Roscoe for the second time and the duo with Roscoe holding point would finish the final five hundred meters in tandem with Roscoe holding off any attempt by Russ to come around for the top spot. Nice one minute interval Roscoe!!!!
With a relatively calm start and some spirited segments along the way, the group covered the 47.5 mile parcours in 2:31:11. Following the cold and windy ride, a well-deserved cold beverage or two and a few slices of pizzas were enjoyed at Tall Tales courtesy of OVC. Thanks Tall Tales Brewery!!