This past Saturday OVC partnered with Team Korrageous to host a group ride from Specific Gravity to raise funds for the American Cancer Society and to enjoy a weekend morning of fun on two wheels. An estimated 20 plus riders rolled out of Specific Gravity to pedal their way through 50 miles consisting of Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties in less than ideal conditions. When it was all said and done the entire peloton finished the half century parcours “together” in 2:40:52 which was accomplished at a workman/womanlike average speed of 18.6 mph. Great ride everyone.
Post ride fellowship took place at Specific Gravity and according to Ken and Kathy the ride’s participants and OVC donated nearly $500 to the American Cancer Society. Thanks to the following OVC members who came out today to support the ride and a great cause:
Abni b
Alex M
Barry B
Brian F
Brian O
Bruce M
Dean P
Ed T
Glen P
Jamie C
Jim V
Jody g
Ken w
Kathy W
Kim L
Mark B
Paul G
Roscoe L
Russ H
Scott G
Dave R