Taking advantage of calm winds and moderate temps, almost 30 riders headed up to Laurel, DE for the 5th Annual Bike & Brew. With 50 mile, metric, and full century options, there was something for everyone.
About 13 riders polished off the 50 miler in about 2 hr 15 min for an averageg speed 22.2 mph). About 8 riders finished the 101 mile course in about 4 hr 44 min for an average speed of 21.4 mph. A number of other OVC'ers were sprinkled in the three course riding at a variety of paces.
Kudos to everyone, especially to the several riders who set PR’s for the century distance. Thirst-quenching Dogfish Head and tasty Abbotts BBQ were enjoyed in the post ride celebration. Thanks to OVC and the Laurel Bike & Brew organizers for a great event! See you next year!