Taking advantage of near ideal conditions, OVC turned out in force on Saturday to ramble down to a lovely corner of Delmarva, Deal Island. 22 riders -- Roscoe, Mark, Chris, Glenn, Russ, Maria, Matt D., Melissa, Maria, Jamie, Jim V., Jim D., Bill, Freddy, Brian F., Brian O., Phil, Ken W., Rob, Ahbi, Paul G., and Scott -- nearly all kitted out in their signature black and blue, rolled out from Rise Up for 65 miles of mellow, steady cruising.For over three hours, a cheery and relaxed vibe pervaded the bunch. Even three punctures (all curiously originating from Pocomoke folks, but changed promptly and professionally) did little to dull the mood.
The bunch enjoyed a little racey action as they headed into Deal Island, with Mark easily cresting the bridge in first position. 30 miles later, the group steadily ramped up the pace for a strong finish on Meadowbridge. New members Rob and Jim D. got things started with a strong pulls and were followed with strong efforts from Roscoe and Mark. In the final meters, the trio of Mark, Roscoe, and Russ crossed under the finish nearly simultaneously and at a nearly record pace
The 65 mile course was completed in a little over three hours for a 19 point something mph average. All 20 riders rode strong and finished with the bunch. Post-ride beers and pizza were enjoyed by several riders at SG. Thanks OVC for the great ride!