Ignoring unseasonably cold temps and cloudy skies, approximately 22 riders from OVC and SV gathered in rural Sussex County for a pleasant spin through the country, including: Roscoe, Russ, Ted, Sean S., Matt D., Melissa, Jeff, Barry, Lisa, Larissa, Kim, Liz B, Brian, Jody, Desmond, Paul, Maria, Berkman, Rossi, Freddie, Abhi, and Bob. About 2/3 of the group opted for the 56 mile course, with 8 choosing the slightly longer 76 mile route.
Leaving EVO a little past noon approximately 55 riders would head out onto the open road to tackle two routes with the majority opting for the longer 40 mile route. The rest would take the shorter 20 mile version. Both rides were in good hands with experienced ride leaders and with one of the more gorgeous days of the young 2015 spring season underway, all participants (with the exception of a few mechanicals) made it back to EVO in fine fashion.
On Saturday 4/4/15, the day before Tour de Flanders, two of our own OVC boys Mario A and Noel L made it to the legendary Ronde Van Vlaanderen Cyclo in Oudenaarde, Belgium which is considered the heart of the European cycling.
The wet stuff cleared out and OVC was blessed with mostly dry roads, warm temps, and light winds for the most important evening of the week. The pleasant conditions drew a deep field of cyclists from 5 counties -- Sonny, Rick W., Dean P., Alex, Caleb, Roscoe, Barry, Brian J., Bruce, Dean S., Steve, Jason B., Mark, Frankie, and Wes -- all of whom were looking to make their mark this evening.
A few minutes prior to the official start time of 5:30 pm things weren’t looking to promising for OVC in terms of numbers for their traditional Thursday Night Ride, but minutes later a mass influx of black n blue jammed into the crowded parking lot at Specific Gravity. Rolling out of SG about 15 minutes late, a talent laden field consisting of OVC’s Barry, Wes S, Brian J, Caleb, Dean P, Dean S, Freddie G, Jeff H, Matt D, Phil C, Rick W, Russ and Terri T made their way over to Riverside Dr to begin what was soon to be a ride with a mix of race simulation, the team version of the race of truth (aka TTT), wrong turns, a mild case of attrition and oh yea…one helluva bike ride.
With good ole Mother Nature not willing to relent with the wind this spring, OVC with Easter Sunday off decided that avoiding the treacherous wind conditions on Saturday and taking two days off was not an option. Shoving off from Gravity 11 riders strong Saturday, the 50 mile parcours that lay waiting would challenge each rider with gale force winds and some race pace segments that would test the fittest of the fit and the fasted of the fast.
Undeterred by breezy conditions and forecasted light rain, 10 adventurous riders -- Sonny, Dean P., Barry, Chris D., John J., Caleb, Scott, Roscoe, and Chad rolled out of Fruitland for the final ride of March. A last-minute change put the group on last week’s course, meaning that the first half of the night would be spent embracing a stiff SW wind that was gusting up to 29 mph (according to the National Weather Service’s weather observations at the airport). But who can complain when it’s over 60F?
Determined to set up their team tent and get in some good training miles, Team OVC/Culver & Pierson despite freezing temps (accompanied by snow flurries), a howling Norwester and a small turnout still managed put together a group ride this past Saturday from Tall Tales Brewery in Parsons burg. A last minute change of a route assured the 6 starters that a tailwind finish (and a few beers and pizza) would be the reward for their participation and taking full advantage of the ride perks were OVC’s Roscoe, Rick W, Rick B, Brian O and SV’s Jody G.
Twelve riders -- Dean P., Sonny, Caleb, Alex, Roscoe, John J., Bruce, Barry, Steve J., Brian J., Chris D., and Mark L . -- braved chilly temps and cloudy skies to roll out for 2015’s second Tuesday Night Ride. To get properly warmed up, the group took the scenic route through Deer Harbor before getting back on the traditional short course. After the turn was made onto Stevens, things soon got crankin’.
OVC wanted to continue to show off our brand new tent on Sunday so, we hauled it up to Boyds, MD to set it up in Black Hill Regional Park (just outside of Gaithersberg, MD). Turns out there was a bike race going on so Dean P., Ted, Mark L., Frankie, and Jason joined in on the fun. Unlike Saturday's Shamrock Crit., this 1.4 mile circuit was anything but flat, the highlight being the finishing hill, averaging 10% grade.
A late start from SG this Sunday allowed a 17 rider field to enjoy the warmest part of the day and according to Strava time, the field consisting of OVC’s Barry, Brian F, Brian O, Chris D, Crystal, Freddie, Jamie, Jim B, Kevin, Matt M, Rick B, Rick W, Russ, Terri, Team Let it Roll's Mark C and local triathletes Scott B and Olga B rolled out of Gravity on time for a 50 miler that would consist of multiple echelons, periodic regroups and a few spirited hard segments. Less than 30 minutes into the ride and with two riders abandoning the ride just before the turn onto Furnacetown Rd and one a few miles later looking for a more structured individual session in the saddle, only 14 of the 17 starters would continue on with the moderately tempo paced ride. Just as all 14 exited Pennewell Rd (and after some Pennewell family trivia courtesy of local boy Kevin D) and made the left onto Nassawango, the open landscape, a brisk tempo and the crosswind over the left shoulder of the riders would temporarily drive a wedge into the peloton. With damage minimal and a quick regroup, all 15 were back in the fold and heading northwest on Disharoon Rd.
OVC’s road racing season got underway in full force this weekend with several members traveling to Red Wing Park in Virginia Beach for the Shamrock Criterium. The 4-corner .6 mile course circumnavigates an open, flat field, making it both a great venue for OVC-style racing and for spectating. Sunny skies, crisp temps, and relatively light winds made for good racing conditions.
Despite a handful of OVC members pinning on race numbers down in Va Beach, OVC still had a nice turnout for a Saturday group ride. Departing on time from SG, Brian F, Melissa, Maria, Matt D, Rick B, Steve J, Bruce, Alex and Russ navigated the 61 mile parcours counter clockwise in hopes of catching a tailwind for the last portion of the ride. The plan worked to perfection just as the remaining half dozen exited Mardela at mile 40. Three others (Steve, Rick and Brian) went off on their own outta Laurel in search of a little more intensity.
Despite overcast skies, raw 45 degree temps and a somewhat delayed start, OVC still managed to go the full distance and pull off another great training ride this past Thursday. With one late arrival, one member misinterpreting the route memo and a last minute roundup of said teammates courtesy of the makeshift Culver & Pierson team sag wagon, OVC finally got down to doin what it does best and that’s pedal their twowheeled carbon fiber and alloy machines.
Its official, the 2015 road race season is underway. March 8th new team member Frankie T made his cat 5 racing debut in fine fashion finishing 4th at the William and Mary Tidewater Classic down in Williamsburg, VA. Not a flat course by Eastern Shore standards, Frankie’s hard work on the road and the gym paid dividends as the OVC roadie had a blast in his first race. Congrats Frankie!
With temps in the upper 60’s and this Tuesday marking the official start of the OVC TNR season (and St Patrick’s Day), it was no surprise that OVC would show up in the masses. 19 of the fittest fastest roadies on the shore rolled out on the church on no doubt, the windiest toughest OVC TNR opener on record.
After being derailed yesterday due to the rain, OVC rolled out of Gravity some 13 riders strong on Sunday and the advertised “B”/Endurance ride pace was quickly developing into a brisk tempo effort before the field made it to the end of Johnson Rd. With riders starting to feel the pressure from the surges, the ride leaders quickly sprang into action to the halt the aggression.
With OVC’s Tuesday Night Ride season opener cancelled, Thursday night’s ride was the perfect substitute for its big brother. Shoving off out of Gravity, a huge turnout was a sight to behold as the 17 rider field comprised of OVC (Barry, Brian F, Brian J, Bruce, Caleb, Frankie, John J, Mario, Matt D, Rick W, Roscoe, Russ and Scott) and SV (Abby, Paul, Jody and Brian O) made its way out of Salisbury via College Ave and Riverside Dr.
With Mother Nature on her best behavior these past few days, OVC’s Barry, Crystal, Russ and SV’s Bob M and Paul G decided what better way to spend their Wed night than a good brisk paced B ride with friends and teammates. Departing from SG a quarter past five, the four man one woman group headed out College and Johnson roads to begin their 35 mile journey on two wheels and by the time they hit the overpass on Johnson, the group of 5 was already up to speed and rolling towards RT 12 at 22 plus mph.
Spring finally sprung on Sunday and OVC was there to greet the 50 degree temps. Nineteen riders gathered at SG this morning for 60 miles of early season training. OVC brought 17 to the party -- Russ, Dean P., Matthew P., Barry, Sean, Rick W., Sonny, Kevin, Alex, Caleb, Roscoe, Brian J., Mario, Brian F, Matt D., Jamie, and Mario -- and Patrick and Ace made the trip down to represent Annapolis Bicycle Racing Team (“ABRT”).